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Compared with other materials, plastics have the following characteristics

Plastic is a lighter material with a relative density between 0.90 and 2.2. Obviously, can plastic float on water? In particular, foam has a relatively light texture and a relative density of 0.01 due

分类: NEWS

发布时间: 2023-01-10 11:21:31



阅读量: 14


Compared with other materials, plastics have the following characteristics

Plastic is a lighter material with a relative density between 0.90 and 2.2. Obviously, can plastic float on water? In particular, foam has a relatively light texture and a relative density of 0.01 due to the existence of micropores. This property allows plastics to be used in products with lighter weight requirements.
Most plastics have good resistance to acids, alkalis and other chemicals. In particular, commonly known as the king of plastic, polytetrafluoroethylene (F4), chemical stability is even better than gold, put in "water" for more than ten hours does not deteriorate. Due to its excellent chemical stability, F4 is an ideal corrosion resistant material. For example, F4 can be used as a material for piping corrosive and viscous liquids.
Ordinary plastics are poor conductors of electricity. They have high surface resistance and high volume resistance. They can be expressed in terms of 109 and 1018 ohm. The breakdown voltage is large and the dielectric loss tangent is small. As a result, plastics are widely used in the electronics and machinery industries. Such as plastic insulated control cable.
Generally speaking, the thermal conductivity of plastics is relatively low, equivalent to 1/75-1/225 of steel, foam pores
It contains gas and provides better insulation, sound insulation and shock resistance. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), for example, has only 1/357 of the thermal conductivity of steel and 1/1250 of aluminum. In terms of insulation, single glazed Windows are 40 per cent higher than single glazed Windows and double glazed Windows are 50 per cent higher. Plastic form combined with insulating glass, can be used for residential, office, hospital rooms, hotels. The utility model has the advantages of saving winter heating and saving summer air conditioning cost.
Some plastic is hard as stone, some steel as paper, some leather soft; From the plastic hardness, tensile strength, elongation and impact strength and other mechanical properties, wide distribution, use choice. Due to the small proportion of plastic, high strength, so it has a high specific strength. Compared with other materials, plastics also have obvious disadvantages, such as easy combustion, poor stiffness, high gold resistance, poor aging resistance, heat resistance and so on.